Rosh Hashana Message for 5763 by Rav Isak Haleva
(Interim) Chief Rabbi of Turkey

Translated by David W. Siman from Ladino

Dear Coreligionists:

Ending another year we have arrived at the entrance to a new year, where we thank the Sublime God who gave us life and who brought us to these days. According to the requirements of our holy law such periods are appropriate times and better oportunities to examine intensively our consciences with regard to our thoughts and acts committed in the year past and to pronounce our sincere repentance, taking refuge in the forgiveness of the All Powerful God and to return to a way of life in accord with His commandments. I am absolutely sure that our coreligionists will take advantage of this opportunity as one should.

Dear coreligionists, benefitting from this occasion, I find it advantageous to remind you once again of this precept of our holy law: Our erudite rabbis gave us to understand; "Al shelosa devarim haolam omed: Al hatora veal haavoda veal gemilut hasadim" Of three things the universe consists: Of the law, of prayer, and of the performance of good deeds. "

The Torah was the most important unifying element for our people from the time the Sublime Lord gifted it to us by the hand of Moshe Rabenu, and it enlightened our existence in every age, providing us precepts of high moral value, thanks to its divine independence of time and place. The continuity of this situation will progress if we depend, with our free will, on these precepts and teach them to our children and youth for the purpose of moving closer to our holy law. To follow the chain of "Lilmod ulelamed" (To learn and to teach) with the study of the Torah should be our principal goal as it was in all generations. I am well convinced that our coreligionists will pour ever greater efforts into this area. Prayer is one of the most important paths which draws us closer to the Sublime Lord. At the same time one must not neglect the fact that every kind of good comportment and good act is an additional prayer. But these cannot replace our daily prayers. The proper behavior of the members of our community and accustoming themselves to prayer in the synagogues will draw us closer together and, in a sense, will be the criterion of our unity and solidarity. In these times in which we need unity and solidarity in every sense more than ever, I don't doubt that our coreligionists will increase their sensitivity to this matter.

To do charitable good works is one of the commandments of our holy law and one of the qualities that determine our social existence. We the Jews are renowned for establishing our charitable foundations almost at the same time as our synagogues. In these days I want to remind all that our charitable foundations are prepared to receive, with profound appreciation, all kinds of contributions, both moral and material. I have confidence that the precept of our holy law: "Mesameah et hamakom, mesameach et haberiot" (He who pleases the Lord is one who pleases the children) will continue to be a guide for all of us and our efforts to make contributions will increase.

Dear Brothers, full of these thoughts and feelings I pray of God Almighty that this year we are entering and the years coming be for our world and our land, for all of us together with our families and our loved ones, years of peace and rest, of health and prosperity with happiness, and I bless you with my blessings: "Tizku lesanim rabot, neimot vetovot" (May many good and beautiful years be bestowed upon you).

Rav Isak Haleva

It is with great pride that I send you this message from Rabbi Isak Haleva, who soon will be the new Grand Rabbi (Hahambashi) of Turkey. I thank Rabbi Naftali Haleva, his son, who sent it to me. Rachel Amado Bornick

Thanks goes to David W. Siman for this translation of September 12, 2002


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